Monday, February 26, 2024

How stupid the lies are

Zelensky, dictator of Ukraine, recently claimed that they have lost a total of 31,000 men so far in their war with Russia.

Bwehahahaha -wheeze- hahahahha!  

They lost 1,500 dead and 1,000 captured in just the two day rout from Avdiivka.

I'm sure this announcement had nothing to do with the cancellation of all future elections.

Remember:  They announced last November that they'd lost over 1.1 million men so far.  Which, when you take into account their population of less than 25 million, means they've lost around 10% of their total number of men.  Naturally, they immediately arrested the people responsible for accidentally leaking the (likely) true figures.

Monday, February 12, 2024

The five basic principles

There seem to be five basic rules, or principles, of the universe.  They are simple, yet have remarkably profound consequences.

1. The total energy at every point is a constant.
2. There is no such thing as negative energy.
3. Spacetime is the field governing motion.
4. Time is the source of all potential energy.
5. Proper time is a type of spin.

All else follows. There are no infinities. There are no singularities. There are no contradictions. Proper time appears to be left handed, except for antimatter.

"Proper time" is the time you feel, by the way.  It is the time that affects you.  Photons have no proper time. 

Black holes are hollow shells of maximal density surrounding absolute nothingness.  All the energy has been taken from the center by the mass and energy of the shell, leaving nothing for anything else to exist.  This is how black holes can rotate and move about the galaxy.  The hole grows as energy density increases, pushing everything out into a spheroid shell.

What are you testing for?

I am very intelligent.  I was a counterintelligence agent, which is the opposite of intelligence, which means I have been specially trained how to be stupid!

I am very well educated.  I dropped out of college twice!

I score very well on most tests.  Except...

When I first joined the military, back when Reagan was President, I went to Pensacola after basic training.  As part of the in processing, every Army trainee on this Navy base where dentists were also trained got two fillings, whether you needed them or not.  Ah, the joys of taking a typing test (real typewriters, following a program on real punch tape) while wearing heavy headphones immediately after getting two fillings.

We also had to participate in this new personality profile test.  I guess it was part of the counterintelligence program, but I'm not certain about that.  The Navy was just weird, sometimes, especially from a Soldier's perspective.

I had already done something like this in high school, as part of the vocational advisement program.  It showed that I was neither suited for nor interested in any profession.  Oddly enough, the vocational test had nothing in it about wanting to join the military, the only thing I had really wanted to do since I was 8 years old or so.

So I took the Navy's personality test.  A few days later, I was ordered to take a different one.  They were sort of silly, but something to do while I waited for my class cycle to start.

A couple days after taking the second test, I was called to the office of the testing program manager.  He railed at me for a while.  He accused me of cheating on the tests.  He asked me who I thought I was?  Who sent me?  What am I really doing there on the base?  Who did I really work for?

I had no answers to these questions, and no idea what he was going on about.  So I asked what the real problem was.  He told me that I must have been specially prepared by someone, because both tests indicated that I had no discernible personality.

Monday, February 5, 2024

New books!

I hate writing blurbs for books.  I'm terrible at it.  So here are a few new (and new to me) books I enjoyed, so you might, as well.

Harrier and Murder


The Sumire Series

Doctor Inferno

The Arcane Casebook Series

Friday, February 2, 2024

It's goundhog day... again

Well, the day is happening again.  Once again, we entrust our fate to a large, generally ill tempered rodent.

Happy groundhog day, everyone!

Don't drive angry.