Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Gravity isn't what you think it is.

I've spent a lot of the last few years learning about the principles of relativity, which leads to  study of gravity and quantum physics.  I will admit I am not a professional, trained physicist.  I passed the introductory classes in college, but that was (mumble) years ago.  I am, however, an interested and intelligent layman, and a military trained (and quite successful) analyst.  I am also quite bright, but not quite at the level of genius I have seen in a few others.  That being said, I have an idea about gravity that seems to tie all the loose threads of gravity, dark energy, and quantum physics together.  It's really quite simple and elegant, and just different enough to be off the beaten track of every day physics.

Gravity is not an attractive force.  It is a repulsive force.  It does not originate from matter, but from empty space.  Stop laughing.  I'll explain once you wipe the tears from your eyes.

Postulate an additional energy field.  Call it spacetime.  Give it a large, positive value at every point.  Quantize this energy field.  Now, from spacetime, instantaneously subtract the energy of all other fields.  Then spread that draw out in a root-square fashion, also instantaneously and infinitely.  (All quantum fields act instantaneously and infinitely, by the way.  Physicists don't like to talk about it.)

There you have it.  Gravity.  What?  You don't see it?  It's an artifact of the curvature of the energy levels of spacetime.  As the energy level slopes down, a particle would move in that direction and gain energy.  A particle moving up the energy gradient would lose energy.  We see this effect all the time, and call it gravity.

Momentum (velocity) is explained as a particle's local energy disruption.  In a sphere about the particle, imagine a lower energy level in the direction of travel, neutral energy levels ninety degrees to that direction, and higher energies opposed to the direction of travel.  These energy levels interact with the ambient energy of spacetime to create the interaction of gravity with motion.  It also explains the blue and redshifts of photons, as they gain or lose energy climbing out of the local energy field of the particle which created them, and the ambient energy field of spacetime.  The local field interacts with spacetime to alter the local field.  (Other interactions also can alter it, such as the effects of all the other forces through other fields.)

What about relativistic effects?  Oh, that's easy.  Velocity (measured against the speed of light as 1) is computed as the sine of the slope about any particular particle, including its own energy distortion.  Time and space dilation is computed quite simply as the cosine of this same angle.

That's it.  That's all there is.  It explains everything in one simple, elegant package.  It computed gravity effects in terms of energy usage.  It explains the exact matching of gravity and velocity based relativistic effects.  It explains red and blue shift.  It explains the source of all quantum effects - all other fields must draw their energy from spacetime, which is itself quantized.  It explains the effects of dark energy.  It even explains the inflationary period after the big bang, if you think about it long and hard enough.  Gravity waves are simply waves propagating through spacetime, moving along at the normal restrictions of light speed given to any wave in a quantum field.  (See?  Physicists don't like to talk about the field propagation duality of infinite fields with restricted waves.)

Please ponder and discuss amongst yourselves, and let me know any holes you find in the comments.  I'd really appreciate it.  Thanks.

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