Safe gun handling and marksmanship used to be taught in public schools. Back when they said the Lord's prayer before school every morning. But Leftists have been destroying America one thought, one moral, one story at a time for generations now.
My great-grandfather told me that he got a whuppin one day at school, because he forgot to bring his rifle. The older boys were expected to bring a gun to school to protect the little kids from Indians and catamounts. In my generation, almost every pickup truck had a rifle rack with either a .30-30 or a 12 gauge on it. The first day of deer season was a proper excuse to miss a day in high school. School shootings were unheard of, although fist fights were fairly common. (Boys will fight. It's in their nature. You can't prevent the aggression - all you can do is bottle it up until they explode into murder.)
Proposed - the federal government shall mandate and provide funding for marksmanship and safe gun handling classes in all public high schools throughout the various States. This class shall be optional for students, but it must be provided by the school every term. Students shall be taught to safely and accurately fire a .22LR pistol and rifle. They shall also be taught the basic hunting laws for their local area, as well as the laws pertinent to armed self defense. They shall also be taught basic first aid techniques for common minor and life threatening injuries. Upon graduation, each young man shall be given the rifle he trained with and each young woman shall be gifted with the pistol she trained with, along with a box of 50 appropriate cartridges and a pocket sized, printed copy of the Constitution of the United States, as amended, and a wallet sized certificate of course completion. Completion of this course shall count as all necessary training and certification to carry a weapon, either openly or concealed, throughout the United States and its territories, except where expressly prohibited by federal law and prominently posted. This certificate shall count as photo identification for all purposes. This course, gift, and certification shall be offered to citizens only, not to lawful or unlawful residents or visitors, nor to convicted felons, even if convicted as a minor. The certificate shall be valid for a period of ten years, and may be renewed.
Proposed - the Federal government shall provide funds for any public school teacher in the United States and its territories to attend a certification course, of not more than $600 expense (to be adjusted for inflation), for safe and effective concealed carry of a pistol. Funds shall also be provided, not to exceed $600 (to be adjusted annually for inflation), for each teacher who completes this training to purchase a pistol and ammunition, along with a wallet sized certificate allowing that person to carry a pistol, concealed or openly, anywhere in the United States and its territories, except where expressly prohibited by federal law and prominently posted. This certificate shall count as photo identification for all purposes. This offer of funding, training, and certification applies only to citizens, not to lawful or unlawful residents, nor to visitors, nor to convicted felons, even if convicted as a minor. Certificate holders shall further receive a $100 tax credit annually, so they can afford refresher training and practice ammunition. The certificate shall be valid for a period of ten years, and may be renewed.
It makes far too much sense and would actually have a desirable outcome, thus the usual bunch would be howling about it even being considered, let alone actually implemented.