Monday, January 20, 2020

Richmond police presence 1/20/2020

Why, precisely, is the government at Richmond, Virginia using plain clothes officers at the pro-civil rights rally today?  What possible use do plain clothes officers have in performing crown control?

To ask the question is to answer it.  None.

Unless their goal is provocation.

Why are the police allowing only one entrance and exit to a massive rally?  Don't they know that's an offense against public safety, and a violation of fire and safety codes?  And why have the police already announced that they will not separate the marchers from the counter protesters?

Unless the purpose is harassment, surveillance, and intimidation.  Remember, the police created the gauntlet of "counter protesters" in Charlottesville.

It's almost as if the Leftists have something planned...

Is it normal for the military to take control of the airspace around a State capital during a pro-civil rights protest march?  I don't think I've ever heard of that sort of thing before.  It's almost as if they're expecting something...

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