Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A couple of proposed Amendments

The Governors of the several States shall meet in conclave each quarter year for no more than one week (seven consecutive days).  This body shall have the power to summon any member, officer, or agent of the Federal government for questioning, and by two-fifths vote to fire any officer or agent of the Federal government, and by majority vote to veto and nullify  any bill, law, or regulation made in the ten previous years.  This body may, by three-fifths vote, veto and nullify any treaty, or overturn and nullify any decision by any Federal court lower than the Supreme Court, made in the five previous years.  This body may, by four-fifths vote, overturn and nullify any decision by the Supreme Court, made in the five previous years. 

This body shall, during each Spring conclave, choose one Senator and one Representative to be executed by hanging on the lawn before the Capitol Building at noon on Independence Day of that year.  Failure to choose shall result in the execution of one Governor, chosen by lot, in their place.  Failure to hold this lottery shall result in the automatic and immediate revocation of both office and citizenship of every governor at the conclusion of the conclave.

Funding for this body shall be allotted by Congress and shall consist of an amount equal to the yearly salary of the senior-most serving Senator, to be paid half to each member, being the Governors of the various States, and half to the body as a whole.  The various States may, but are not required to, provide additional funding and personnel to assist in the purpose of this body.  This body may use its funding as it sees fit, according to agreed upon rules of parliamentary procedure.


Any violation of the restrictions of this Constitution by any member, officer, or agent of government, be they Federal, State, or lower, shall, upon conviction, result in death by hanging on either the lawn before the Capitol Building, or on the grounds of their respective Statehouse, as appropriate.

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