Wednesday, March 1, 2023

RPG good (?) ideas

 Perusing the links from this month's Glatisant, the Questing Beast newsletter.

Here are some of the good ideas I found in the links.

Tension Cheatsheet

1d10Tension Builders
1ConstraintsThe usual approach to this situation won’t work.
2CountdownsThis situation will end, escalate, or evolve soon.
3Hidden DangersWhile the situation appears safe, there is something unexpected below the surface.
4MysteriesThere are tantalizing unknowns within the situation.
5CompetitionAnother person or group is actively opposing the characters in the situation.
6Moral StancesParticipating in the situation says something about the characters.
7RetributionParticipating in the situation will anger another group, person, or faction.
8Troublesome NPCsThe situation contains NPCs that must be navigated carefully.
9Gates & GatekeepersGetting to the situation requires a test and remaining in the situation may require further tests.
10Hard ChoicesThe situation has zero sum choices—choosing one locks out all the others.

The overloaded, overloaded encounter die

1Rare Creature TraceRare Creature TraceRare Creature Encounter
2Uncommon Creature TraceUncommon Creature Encounter
3Common Creature Encounter
4Resource WarningResource Consumption
5Environment WarningEnvironment change

And my own creation, another silly way to roll hit dice:
Everybody rolls a d8 for their hit points.

  • Fighter:  Remain vigilant.  Roll 2, take the best.
  • Wizard:  Wait, what's going on?  Roll 2, take the worst.
  • Thief:  Hedge your bets.  Roll 3, take the middle.
  • Cleric:  Accept your fate.  Roll 1 die.

Minor rant:  D&D style clerics are really paladins.  Holy fighting men.  They're not Friar Tuck (although he had a mean fist).  A priest's primary attribute would be charisma, not wisdom.


  1. Agreed on Clerics. Been a long time since I picked up the dice. (this is Wilder)

    1. I haven't played in decades. Doesn't mean I don't like reading and fiddling with the rules. It's a weird hobby, but it's a hobby.

    2. Agreed. Heck, I still have the AD&D box set (with cardboard cutout numbers instead of dice) that I got at, what, Kaybee? for my birthday along with the Avalon games: Starship Troopers, Dune, and Panzer Leader.


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