For your ease of enjoyment, here are the current versions of the essential files.
D100 Dungeon Files These are the old versions and some alternate rules.
D100 Dungeon Rules These are the old and newly (May 2018) updated rules.
I highly recommend this game.
That being said, I can't help but tinker with game rules. Here are my recommended alterations and additions.
- Use the alternate investments found in the Files. The rues as written (RAW) are incoherent. Remember that the roll for for the pip alteration to each whole share owned. (One share is five pips.) My addition: Instead of allowing only one investment of up to ten shares per investment type, allow characters to diversify their portfolios as follows, still limiting investment to ten shares each.
- Up to 4 separate investments in Trade.
- Up to 3 separate investment in Finance.
- Up to 2 separate investments in Holdings.
- Only 1 investment in Wars.
- Use, if you wish, the perpetual dungeon found in the Files. It makes the quests a bit longer and more costly in resources, but makes more sense and provides some continuity. I change the "running" rule of moving through already explored rooms to this:
- You can move through up to 3 previously explored rooms, as long as all known monsters are dead and the rooms have been searched already. When moving more than one room per hour, roll a d10. If the result is less than or equal to the number of rooms moved, a wandering monster is encountered in the room indicated by the die roll, and travel stops there. For example, if you try to move three rooms, and roll a 2, you encounter a wandering monster in the second room you entered.
- I don't recommend using the included Shop rules. They make buying new equipment very expensive, in exchange for establishing a known fixed base of goods available. It's basically a very expensive pawn shop for your stuff. And "parts pie" is gross, but also funny and makes sense in a horrible sort of way.
- Speaking of prices, the sell and purchase prices of everything are identical. Of course, adventures find their loot damaged, so there is an actual price difference there. My proposed alteration: Whenever purchasing a weapon or piece of armor, roll a d10. If the result is lower than your reputation, purchase the item at list price. Otherwise, pay an extra fee equal to one pip of repair cost for the item. Hey, life is hard on the new guy with no reputation to speak of.
- There is only an 8% chance of finding a shield, the most common defensive tool in history. I have created a new random armor table to make shields more prevalent. Roll a d10 for armor type, then another d10 for specific piece:
- 1-3: Shield - used to actively block damage. Blocks amount listed for each pip shaded. Less than half damage blocked results in only a half pip shaded.
- 1: Buckler (1)
- 2-3: Targe (2)
- 4-7: Heater (3)
- 8-9: Kite (4)
- 10: Pavise (5)
- 4-5: Leather Armor (1 DEF)
- 6: Studded Leather Armor (2 DEF)
- 7-8: Chain Mail Armor (3 DEF)
- 9: Scale Mail Armor (4 DEF)
- 10: Plate Mail Armor (5 DEF)
- For all Armors: Armor passively reduces damage. It may also be used to actively reduce damage, at the cost of 2 points of damage per pip shaded.
- 1-3: Helmet
- 4-5: Torso (covers both chest and back)
- 6: Sleeves
- 7: Gloves
- 8: Waist
- 9: Leggings
- 10: Boots
- Random equipment damage: Rather than list a specific amount of wear and tear for each item, roll on the following table with a d10.
- 1-3: 1 pip
- 4-6: 2 pips
- 7-10: 3 pips