Saturday, April 4, 2020


The COVID family of viruses is better known as the common cold. COVID-19 is not going away. It's already mutating into different forms.
Two weeks after the isolation orders end, the infections will spike again. No matter when that happens - next week, next month, next year. You can't out wait this thing. Meanwhile, it's slowly spreading through mandatory activities, like getting food from the store.
We should be sending the kids out to play with the infected, just like with chicken pox. Just keep them away from grandma afterwards.

We could lose 10,000,000 people this year (in addition to the 3 million who usually die), and somehow the 320 million grieving survivors would find the strength to carry on.
We lost 10,000,000 jobs in the last two weeks. That's ten million families who now don't have money to pay the rent or buy food.
How many families are the politicians willing to starve to maybe save a few, mostly elderly people? (By the way, 90% of those who end up on respirators due to this virus die anyways.)

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