Thursday, March 4, 2021

B&S combat rough draft 1

 Here is the rough draft of the Bash and Slash combat system, version (I have no idea, but let's call it one, since it's the first one to get written down).  I think it will work.  A few test rolls yesterday showed promise.  Needs a better write-up and more testing.  Remember, tests are roll under attribute+boost, and you want to roll higher than you opponent.  You also need to roll higher than his defense.  Combat is simultaneous.

Oh, yeah, I forget about multiple opponents.  If fighting 2-3, they gain advantage on the test.  If fighting 4-6, you suffer disadvantage on the test, and they gain advantage on the damage roll.  No more than 6 opponents can face you at a time.  They'll just have to wait their turn.

I like the off-hand dagger rule.  Although never really used in combat by any sensible and prepared person, it is a staple of the fantasy genre.

Oh, shoot.  SizeSmall targets suffer from advantage to the damage die when hit (and disadvantage to the test).  Large targets benefit from disadvantage to the damage die when you hit them (and advantage to the test).  Very Small = 2ADV (2D test, pesky mosquitoes!), Very Large = 2DIS (2A test - how can you miss the enormous thing?)  That way, pixies can have have more than one stamina, and dragons don't need to have 100 stamina.


Melee combat:  Opponents attack each other simultaneously.  The highest successful melee test (Agility + Melee) wins, but the die roll must also exceed the highest defense die.  In case of a tie, both combatants hit and damage each other.  If you are unarmed, you test with disadvantage and use dodge instead of melee.

Defense dice:  Melee (or Dodge) level die size (1=d4, 2=d6, 3=d8, 4=d10, 5=d12)
                        Shield (off=hand dagger= d4 in melee only, Small=d6, Medium=d8, Large=d10)

Damage:  Roll the die for your weapon, along with your skill die type.  Add Strong to the better roll.  Armor affects this as follows:
            Armor (Burden)                        Damage roll
            None (0)                                  Weapon die has Double Advantage
            Fur/Pelt/Cloth (0)                     Weapon die has Advantage
            Light (1)                                   Standard rolls
            Medium (3)                              Weapon die has Disadvantage
            Heavy (5)                                 Weapon die has Double Disadvantage

Weapon damage dice:  Fists (d2), Improvised (d3), Light (d4), Standard (d6), Standard (2 hands or charging) (d8), Heavy (d10), Heavy (charging) (d12)

Thrown weapon combat:  Attacker rolls to hit, defender rolls to dodge.  The attacker has to succeed on his roll (≤ [Agility + Throw]), but be higher than both the defender’s Dodge and Shield dice rolls.  Thrown weapons do benefit from the Strong damage boost.

            Range:              Close               Near                Far      
            Roll:                 standard           DIS                  N/A

Missile weapon combat:  Attacker rolls to hit, defender rolls to dodge.  The attacker has to succeed on his roll (≤ [Cunning + Shoot]), but be higher than both the defender’s Dodge and Shield dice rolls.  Missile weapons do benefit from the Strong damage boost, but only at Close and Near targets.

            Range:              Close               Near                            Far      
            Roll:                 2DIS                standard                       DIS

An off-hand dagger in melee acts as a d4 shield, and increases a primary light weapon attack to d6.  The off-hand dagger does not get to make a separate attack.

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