Friday, November 4, 2022

Falsish esolang

 Okay, I'm a junkie.  I like making esoteric programming language (esolang) variants.  I was focusing on Subleq, but have moved my sights along to False now.

False is one of the earliest purpose-built esolangs, dating back to 1993.  You can learn more about it here.

Anyway, I was also interested in the capabilities of the fish ><> esolang.  Especially how it could create new stacks.

So, I added the new stack capability to False, along with making a new local variable list with each stack.  That meant I also had to add a new way to have global variables.

I think I succeeded in my task.  For what it's worth, it was fun and educational.  After I gave up on the first misguided and overly complicated attempt, that is.  Wow, what a difference building the right foundation makes.  😊

You can find out more about Falsish here, and download the Python code from here.

Here is a sample program, written in Falsish:

\"Factorial of "." is: ".10,

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