Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Scientific Dissonance

I seem to be a bit hard on most professional scientists.  That's because I hold them in very low regard.  But why?

Let's start with the "reproducibility crisis."  This phenomenon boils down to the fact that most scientific papers are at least partially fraudulent, when they are not completely fictional.  At least 10% of all published studies are based on... nothing but the imagination of the author.  Not that I'm against imagination.  But that's not what the papers say they are, and they claim to have hard data to back up their claims.  Data which is never asked for, and never forthcoming.  Stepping back a bit, it seems that 90% of published research can't be reproduced.  In other words, it's false, even when it's not actively faked.  This isn't just a theoretical concern.  Medicine considers itself a branch of science.  20 years of Alzheimer's research was wasted, because it was all based on a paper that had no actual data supporting it.

The perils, pitfalls, and pranks of "peer review" and "science by statistic" are well known, and I shouldn't have to go into them here.  If you're not familiar wit the problem, start here.

Now let's examine something a bit more concrete.  Gravity.  Read any text, watch any video, and the scientific authors will carefully explain that, according to General Relativity (which has been conclusively shown to be correct through numerous experiments and observations), gravity is not a force.  So far, so good.  Now go look at what quantum physicists are doing.  They are looking for gravitons, the force carriers of gravity.  Huh.  I wonder why they're having such trouble finding these things?  They are looking into the mathematical complexities of string theory, out of which arise the force of gravity.  Huh.    Why has string theory gone exactly nowhere in over 40 years of occupying "the best minds in physics"?

What part of "gravity isn't a force" confuses them?  Cognitive dissonance is a more powerful force, apparently.  And these people are supposed to be smart and well educated?  Carefully over-educated so as to no longer be able to think, in my opinion.

Reminder:  Space-time is a field of potential energy governing motion, from which all other fields withdraw their energy.  Space is Euclidean, time is imaginary, so space-time is hyperbolic.  (The Pythagorean theorem always holds, but the square of i is -1 by definition, so space-time ends up being c^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2.  Professional physicists swap the signs to confuse everyone, and because they'd rather think about negative velocity than negative time.)  By the way, time being imaginary means it is, essentially, spin at 90 degrees to the three dimensions of space.  Where is all the antimatter from creation?  Spinning off in its own universe expanding 180 degrees away from our own, going backwards in time.  The real fundamental principle of physics is that everything except energy adds up to nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! At least I know that I am NOT alone in wondering WTH when it sticks out thus


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