Monday, April 17, 2023

The most important news you'll hear all week

This is the most important thing you'll hear all week. I don't care if Russia captures Kiev and hangs Zelenskiy by his toes, this is more important.

"there are a couple of bidders out there who are willing to bet very big money that food and fuel prices will triple ($18/$6.5) in nominal prices in the near term (i.e. five year horizon)." 

The real (not government "adjusted") rate of inflation for 2022 was in the range of 25-30%.

$100 compounded quarterly at 10% interest for 5 years is: $163.86
$100 compounded quarterly at 15% interest for 5 years is: $208.82
$100 compounded quarterly at 20% interest for 5 years is: $265.33
$100 compounded quarterly at 25% interest for 5 years is: $336.19

$100 compounded quarterly at 30% interest for 5 years is: $424.79
$100 compounded quarterly at 35% interest for 5 years is: $535.29

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