Thursday, October 17, 2024

Proof of pilot wave theory

A photon is emitted by an electron shedding energy as it drops to a lower energy orbital around a nucleus.  This photon has a highly specific energy, shown by its wavelength/frequency (these are inverses).  The photon is emitted in a random direction as the electron orbits.  The atom as a whole is also moving, if only through Brownian motion.

Does the frequency of the photon depend on the direction it took compared to the motion of the electron that created it?  No.  Does its frequency depend on the motion of the atom that it originated from?  No.  How do we know?  Lasers work.  The whole point of a laser is to produce a coherent beam of light in one and only one frequency.  And yet, the electrons are moving at ludicrous speed around the nucleus, but there is no massive red or blue shift.  All the photons emitted are of the same wavelength.  Presumably, all photons are emitted in the direction of travel of their parent electron at the time, like how a sling will send a stone in its instantaneous direction of travel when released.

But how do red and blue shift happen?  These are real effects, easily measured.

The only way for red and blue shift to happen is for the guiding waves to build up or stretch out.  No individual photon shifts its own frequency, but motion in a certain direction will bunch up the waves in that direction while stretching out the waves behind it.  This stretching and compaction we see as red and blue shift, because the waves themselves add energy to the photons passing through them in the proper direction.

Where do these waves come from?  The object moving.  It's made of particles, each of which of moving in space, most (the vast majority, really) of which have electromagnetic properties.  Thus, a build up of energy in the direction of motion, with a corresponding decrease in the opposite direction.  Both the EM field and spacetime exhibit this behavior.

Two objects moving in the same direction would have compression and elongation exactly cancelling each other out.  An object approaching another would have an excess of compression, thus blue shift.  Two objects receding from each other would have an excess of stretching, thus red shift.

Aside - I sincerely admire the profound relationship between the EM field and spacetime.
    Electric energy - Magnetic energy = 0
    Kinetic energy (space^2) - Potential energy (time^2) = 1

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