Thursday, December 5, 2024

Grand unification?

I'm pretty sure I've nearly achieved the grand unification of physics through the happy medium of simplifying several things.  I've been working through this in more detail over on my substack in a series of posts.  I'm getting near the end point of my quest, I think.  I'll eventually have to do a post summarizing everything again.

Everything except energy adds up to nothing.  Every change must maintain balance.

Time is the source of potential energy.  Chrono charge is quantized.  

We live in a positive matter and energy universe.

Potential energy is a real field, and the source of all other energy.

Conservation of total energy must be taken seriously.

Mass has inward pointing gravitic momentum and outward pointing inertial momentum.

There is no color charge.  The strong force is a combination of chrono charge and electric charge.

The electromagnetic and potentiokinetic (spacetime) fields are similar but orthogonal.

The Higgs field is a negative potential sink for rest mass.

And, as always, Copenhagen interpretation delenda est!


  1. Reason matter prevails over antimatter?

    1. Yes. We live in a positive energy/time universe, so we have a preponderance of matter. The antimatter went into the negative energy/time universe at the moment of creation.

      Hyperbolas, by definition, have two, disconnected areas - the positive, and the negative. Hyperbolic spacetime has profound consequences.

    2. Quantized time solves, or at least simplifies, almost everything in quantum mechanics. Matter has positive time (chrono charge). Antimatter has negative. Photons don't have any time at all.

      Positive chrono charge is associated with left handed neutrinos, negative with right handed antineutrinos. This resolves most asymmetries. Still working on it. There is so much cruft built up that can be simplified or eliminated.

  2. Not sure about my version of the Higgs field. Mass has to be a sink for energy.


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