Tuesday, September 17, 2024


In programming, a closure seems to be this mystical thing.  There are endless reams of research and obscurely technical explanations of what a closure is and how they work.  I hate, loathe and despise needless complexity.

A closure is a function to be used later, which uses some of the data currently available, packaged together.  Enclosed, if you will.

So, in Listack terms, if you have a data stack, and a function to be used later that depends on the current state of some of the data, you package together the data with the function for later use.  This is a closure of the function over the data.  So, if you have a function that will depend on two data objects, you write:

        rest_of_stack data1 data2 \.func 3 .enlist >block  

which produces:

        {data1 data2 .func}

When the later time finally arrives, you simply invoke the closure.

        rest_of_stack {data1 data2 .func} .eval

We could even make a procedure to create closures.  Note that most of the procedure is purely for error handling.

    def: "make_closure" [Seq, Int]
    {    # will make a closure over n data items and one sequence
        dup < o     # the closure can't contain fewer than no data items
        iff {
            drop drop 
            "Closures may not have a negative number of arguments" .set_err
        dup > (depth - 3)     # must have enough items on the stack
        iff {
            drop drop 
            "Stack not deep enough for number of closure arguments" .set_err
        1 .+  .enlist >block        # the actual closure: {d1 d2 d3 ... dn seq}          

    def: "make_closure" [Block, Int]
    {    could also be:    \.eval swap 1 .+ .make_closure
        swap >seq swap .make_closure
    }    # could have used dip instead

    def: "make_closure" [Word, Int]
    {    # a b \func .dip --> a func b
        \>seq .dip .make_closure
    }    # could have just repeated the original definition, but where's the fun in that?

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