Sunday, September 29, 2024

Spacetime, again

I dislike repeating myself. However, the contradictions at the heart of modern physics annoy me even more.  I despise all the self propagating woo-hoo and lack of thought.

The basic principles of spacetime: 

1) There is no such thing as negative (anti) energy. Some forms of energy are opposites, but all are energy.

2) Proper time is potential energy. (This is well modeled in particles as imaginary spin. Anti-particles have the opposite spin.) 

3) The energy density at every point is a constant. (upper limit = Planck, lower limit = 0) 

4) Spacetime is the field governing motion. (Particle motion is a perpetual, localized wave. This creates blue and red shift all by itself.) Note that none of these simple principles violate observations. 

There are no contradictions, no infinities, no singularities. Black holes are not singularities, they are hollow shells of maximal (Planck) energy density surrounding an area of zero potential energy.  Space is flat (Euclidean), (proper) time is imaginary, spacetime is hyperbolic (because when you square an imaginary number, you get a negative real number).

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