Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Photons are simple

Oh, how I detest the "woo-hoo" in modern physics.  They claim that nothing is real, nothing is physical.  Bull!  I am not alone in this.  The Aetherczar is writing an entire book about how the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics, particularly electromagnetism, is bunk.  Waves exist, and energy is directed by those waves.  They are two related but distinct concepts.  It really is that simple.

What is a photon?  It is an energy packet being directed by the magnetic and electric fields.  How big is a photon?  Oddly, modern physics says it doesn't have a size.  I say it does, and its size is well known.

A photon, like any wave, has a wavelength (or frequency, the inverse of the wavelength) and an amplitude.  The amplitude of a sine wave is the diameter of an equivalent circle, or more practically the zero to peak amplitude is its radius.  In other words, a photon is a tiny conceptual object spinning at a certain rate with a certain radius, moving along at the speed of light.  What is the wavelength/frequency/rate of spin?  That varies enormously, and is not quantized whatsoever.  The rate of spin is a smooth function over the real numbers, but with a set minimum and maximum (which are very, very small and very, very large).  The amplitude (radius), however, is fixed.  It is identical for every photon created in the history of the universe.  This is the true meaning of "quantum", as in quantized, as in of a fixed size.

What is this amplitude (radius)?  It is h-bar, the reduced Planck constant, which is the Planck constant h divided by twice pi.  You may recognize two pi as part of the formula for the circumference of a circle.  This is no coincidence.  The Planck constant h is the energy of a photon - its frequency (or speed of rotation) multiplied by its amplitude (or radius).  In other words, its momentum.

It really is that simple.

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