Sunday, July 14, 2024

Some things never change

It’s reassuring to see how caring and compassionate the Leftists remain. How devoted to a civil society and the rule of law they are. How they continue to renounce violence in the political process. How deeply they care for the victims of violence.

So far, every single assassination attempt in the USA has been committed by a Democrat or other breed of Leftist.  Every.  Single.  One.

The new poster for the Trump campaign

Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt yesterday.  The Secret Service once again proved itself to be massively incompetent as not one but two overwatch snipers failed to spot the shooter, and then failed to return fire for several seconds, allowing the shooter to fire at least five shots at President Trump.  Then the Secret Service "best counter-snipers in the world" finally returned fire, killing the shooter, who was less than 150 yards away.

Video on X/Twitter shows the SS overwatch being incredibly unprofessional.  A two man team, tasked to watch that specific direction, failed to notice the guy with a rifle on a metal rooftop until he began firing.

Today, the comments are full of Leftists despairing about how the shooter missed.  How predictable.  No comments from them about the one dead and several injured in the crowd.  I guess we "Deplorables" don't count as people any more.

1 comment:

  1. Now that they're caught as violent, they're pretending that they didn't all want his blood.


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