Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Space construction checklist

What we need to do, in order, from a logistics and engineering perspective:

  1. Build a "truck stop" space station orbiting Earth.
  2. Build a space station orbiting the moon.
  3. Build a temporary habitat on the moon.
  4. Build a permanent habitat in the moon. 
  5. Build a space station orbiting Mars.
  6. Build a temporary habitat on Mars.
  7. Build a permanent habitat in Mars.

You build temporary (ten years?) shelters on the surface, to learn local conditions and techniques.  Then you house the workers for the subsurface phase in the domes.  You make clear up front that this is a very high risk project, and that quite a few people will die along the way.  You pay the workers handsomely, with a healthy bonus for completing a full tour, and a very substantial death gratuity.

Digging tunnels down makes far more sense than trying to build radiation and micro-meteor proof domes on the surface for long-term habitation.


  1. Just keep doing the chemical rocket thing, (circus, drama, delay, distraction, money diversion), because the gravitic thing is only for (((Them))). We also have zero point power, so we're already on the moon, Mars, outer moons, asteroids, etc. That tech would imply quantum entanglement with FTL capabilities.
    Just to flesh out this little sci fi fantasy, imagine Lucifer (Enke) and Satan (Marduk) as ancient, still living, extra terrestrial, super smart, super high tech, multi-dimensional (think Sacred Geometry), players in "The Great Game". Even though they're nominally on the same side, they are competing with each other, "As above, so below". So (((Their))) bureaucracy comes all the way down through the institutions and "principalities" to yer basic gov't issue minions. Yeah, (((they're))) responsible for the Long March.
    Side note: Lucifer, as the Great Deceiver, invented make up, lawyers, Commies, subterfuge, and more.


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