Friday, February 21, 2025

Who would change old census data, and why?

I've looked at the census data for the town I grew up in (Gahanna). Someone has altered it. I remember quite clearly that in 1970, our town had around 3,500 people. In 1980, it had exactly 18,001. (I used to joke the population was "18 thousand and me.") It was declared the fastest growing municipality in the country (by percentage). I remember when we legally changed from a village (population under 10,000) to a city back in 1976. So there's no way the place had a population of 12,400 in 1970, and we definitely had more than 16,398 in 1980.

So who is going back and altering old census data, and for what purpose?


  1. That's a head scratcher. My default go-to is something nefarious, could be wrong.

    1. OR it's Mandela Effect related. I think there's room in your physics for that. Again, I could be wrong.

  2. Well, it's the lefties. They have been screwing with census data, crime data, weather data for decades in order to manipulate the numbers to say what they want the numbers to say.

    Kinda like all the reported weather data for the last 100 or so years. A lot has been destroyed so people can't go and look up the actual data that says it was colder or warmer or drier or wetter than what they want the data to say.


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