Wednesday, February 5, 2025


I used to travel the world, working for the government. I’ve been to more than 60 countries. In quite a few places, USAID had more employees and a larger building than the actual US embassy. They operated completely separately, with an enormous budget and essentially no oversight.

I thought it was hilarious when Congress made bribing foreign officials a federal crime. That was at least half the purpose of USAID. Not to mention, that’s how business actually gets done in most of the world.

I’m not saying the US Department of State is a good, or even pro-American organization. It’s not. I’m saying USAID is much, much worse.

All this isn’t even close to the insanity that is the US Peace Corps.

Good riddance to bad cess.


  1. CIA front, USAID is getting gutted, yeah! Slash U S Dept. of State and every other dept. too, or eliminate them!

  2. You should cross-post your Substack stuff here. That WWIII post was great! Or are you getting more traffic there???

    1. Honestly, I thought I already posted it here.


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