In a (vain, I know) attempt to standardize things, here is OISC:3b, based on OISC:2. I really do like this format better. And there are 27 distinct combinations of +/0/- leading to obfuscatory effects!
Obfuscated Indirect Subleq with Coprocessor
Three word instruction: A B C
General form: C=B-A
Why not A-B=C? Obfuscation is in the name!
Negative words are indirect addressing, which can be mixed:
[C]/[[|-C|]] = [B]/[[|-B|]] - [A]/[[|-A|]]
Instructions are only in positive memory.
If B=0 & C>0: Output [A]/[[|-A|]] to I/O indicated by C.
1= STDOUT, 2= STDERR, 3...= File.
If A=0 & C>0: Input [B]/[[|-B|]] from I/O indicated by C.
1= STDIN, 2= STDERR, 3...= File.
If B=0 & C<0: Copy [A]/[[|-A|]] to [C] (to negative memory)
If A=0 & C<0: Copy [C] to [B]/[[|-B|]] (from negative memory)
If C=0: If [A]/[[|-A|]] <=0, Jump B/[|-B|]
If A,C=0: Jump [B]/[[|-B|]]
If B,C=0: Relative Jump A
If A,B=0: If [C]/[[|-C|]]<=0, HALT
If A,B,C=0: HALT
Mem Function
-1 IP (initialized to 0)
-2 NEXT (always IP+3)
-3 RETURN (set to NEXT before Jump]
-4 Register a
-5 Register b
-6 Register c
-7 Instruction Mode (activates on a,b,c; then resets to 0=NOP)
-8... Data
Instruction Mode : Takes immediate action on a,b,c, then resets to 0.
Mode Effect
1 c = NOT a
2 c = b AND a
3 c = b OR a
4 c = b XOR a
5 c = b << a bits
6 c = b >> a bits
7 c = b*a
8 c = b/a (floored integer division) (HALT on /0)
9 c = b%a (Mod) (floored) (HALT on %0)
10 c = Sign of Int b (+1, 0, -1)
11 c = Sign of Float b (+1, 0, -1)
12 Int c --> Float c
13 Float c --> Int c
14 Int a,b --> Float a,b
15 Float a,b --> Int a,b
16 Float: c = b-a
17 Float: c = b+a
18 Float: c = b*a
19 Float: c = b/a (HALT on /0)
20 Float: c = power a of b
21 Float: c = root a of b (HALT on root 0)
22 Float: c = Log base b of a (HALT on base 0)
23 Float: c = SIN b
24 Float: c = COS b
25 Float: c = TAN b
26 Float: c = CSC b
27 Float: c = SEC b
28 Float: c = COT b
29 Float: c = ASIN b
30 Float: c = ACOS b
31 Float: c = ATAN b
32 Float: c = ACSC b
33 Float: c = ASEC b
34 Float: c = ACOT b
35 Float: a = pi, b = e, c = phi
36 Float: a = 1.0, b = 0.0, c = -1.0
Extensions to Mode are left to the user.
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