Tuesday, April 26, 2022

More thoughts on the ice cream cone universe

 So, if the universe really is ice cream cone shaped...

Space is a sphere, indicated by the circle on the cone.  Time is a hyperbola, perpendicular to the circle (as all dimensions should be perpendicular).

If the universe really is expanding, then the circle is getting bigger and moving up the cone.  Assuming the foci of the hyperbola are the centers of the circles, that means the hyperbola's modulus must also be getting larger.  This could be the explanation for galactic redshift.  It's not space stretching, but time.  The photons are running uphill over the long stretch (heh) of time.

Does that mean that the big bang happened at the center, and our universe went one way, while the antimatter universe went the other?  This would match up with physics rule zero, that postulates that everything except energy adds up to zero.  Huh.  This makes just a bit too much sense, and is a little too simple.

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