Obfuscated Indirect Subleq with Coprocessor
2 word instructions
version b
I finally have a working emulator for OISC:2b that accepts positive and (optional) negative memory files. The coprocessor has been improved. Positive memory is loaded as integers only. Jumps to negative memory Halt.
Two word instructions: A B
If A & B are both positive: [B]=[B]-[A]
If A & B are both negative: [[B]]=[[B]]-[[A]]
If A is positive and B is negative: IF [A] <= 0 Jump |B|
If A is negative and B is positive: IF [[A]] <= 0 Jump B
If A is 0 and B is positive: STDIN -> [B]
If A is 0 and B is negative: STDIN -> [[B]]
If A is positive and B is 0: [A] -> STDOUT
If A is negative and B is 0: [[A]] -> STDOUT
If A & B are both 0: HALT
Negative memory can be addressed by indirection, but instructions are only in positive memory.
Negative Memory
Address Function
-1 IP (initially 0)
-2 NEXT (always IP+3)
-3 RETURN (initially 0, set to NEXT before any jump.)
-4 Register a
-5 Register b
-6 Register c
-7 Mode (activates a, b, c; then resets to 0)
-8 MaxPos memory size
-9 MaxNeg memory size
-10... Data (address: start from 0, add 10, negate)
Mode Function
1 c = ~b (bitwise not)
2 c = b & a (bitwise and)
3 c = b | a (bitwise or)
4 c = b ^ a (bitwise xor)
5 c = b << a (shift b left by a bits)
6 c = b >> a (shift b right by a bits)
7 sign of b (+1, 0, -1)
8 floor of b (integer)
9 truncate b (round down, integer)
10 c = b - a
11 c = b + a
12 c = b * a
13 c = b // a (integer division)
14 c = b % a (mod, integer remainder)
15 c = b / a
16 c = b to power of a
17 c = a root of b
18 c = log base b of a
19 c = sin(b)
20 c = cos(b)
21 c = tan(b)
22 c = asin(b)
23 c = acos(b)
24 c = atan(b)
25 c = sinh(b)
26 c = cosh(b)
27 c = tanh(b)
28 c = asinh(b)
29 c = acosh(b)
30 c = atanh(b)
31 c = sqrt(b**2 + a**2) (hypotenuse)
32 a = pi, b = e, c = phi (golden ration)
33 c radians <-- b degrees
34 c degrees <-- b radians
35 c = greatest common divisor of b and a
36 c = a permutations of b items (unique)
37 c = a combinations of b items (not unique)
38 c = b! (factorial)
39 c = sum of 0..b (integers, works with negatives)
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